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Showing posts with the label the good effect of magnesium

The Magnesium miracle

The magnesium miracle  The magnesium miracle  In this article we will focus on the magnesium benefits and the good effect of magnesium on overall health, and we will know about the Magnesium deficiency  symptoms and the magnesium-rich dietary foods, and also the studies on magnesium intake, and Magnesium natural sources, and we can call it the magnesium miracle. After water, oxygen, and basic food, magnesium could also be the foremost important element needed by our bodies. It is vital for heart health, bone health, mental function, and therefore the overall body - yet 80% or more folks are deficient during this vital mineral. Magnesium is much more important than calcium, potassium, or sodium and regulates all three of them. It also activates over 300 different biochemical reactions necessary for the body to function properly. Contrary to popular misconceptions, it's magnesium that's actually most vital in building strong bones and preventing bone loss....